Human Connection
– Why is it important for your creative practice?

“Your connections to all the things around you define who you are.”

Aaron D. O’Connell, Quantum Physicist, University of California

Why are connections important?
Humans thrive on being together and connected, it’s something that we all take for granted. As a result of the Covid-19 virus emergency, every day I see examples of disconnected people. People craving hugs, hooking up for online conversations or talking to strangers. It’s been clearer than ever that we need to connect to stay sane.

A conversation that I have seen people having on social media is about the science behind hugs. So, I thought I’d better look it up and I found is that there is proof that hugs do boost our happiness. A good hug is the fastest way for you to get oxytocin flowing in your body. Oxytocin, calms your nervous system and boosts positive emotions.

Read the full article here:

Why I love connecting people
My work as a Producer, Coach and Facilitator working across art forms means that I am a connector. This is a great thing as I love bringing people together for work, play, whatever, I’m a bit obsessed! I love the randomness of bringing both creative and, even more exciting, creative and non-creative (we’re all creative really, aren’t we?). It turns out that most of my projects are about connection and what happens when you connect people.

What have I done to connect with people during lockdown?
Most of my contracts are on hold or cancelled because of the Covid-19 virus emergency. Like a lot of people, I have found myself in a rare situation, with an empty diary. It felt strange. An hour later, I was on Facebook chatting. I spoke to friends in our walking group to see if anyone wanted to join me for a daily walk. I contacted coaching colleagues who I was due to meet in person and suggesting a Zoom call instead. I signed up to volunteer to do shopping and dog walking. At the end of that day, I realised that I was feeling anxious as I was busier than ever, and I had no one to blame but myself. Note to self… calm down!

How can connections help your creative practice or organisation to thrive?

This is a great opportunity look at human connection and how it can help the arts to thrive. Connection is without doubt one of the most important things that we do but take for granted. Our diaries are full of activities that create connections which inspire action. We need to keep connecting in quality ways. We need to make each other laugh and show that we care for the vulnerable around us.

What steps can you take to make more connections now?
Are you making connections that work for you? For your business, your personal well-being and to support others?

Here is something that you can do today to help you to connect in ways that support your plans:

  • Take a recent typical week or start on Monday and keep a diary of whenever you connect with people in any way.
  • Once you’ve got an idea of what a week of connections looks like. Think about your goals and plans, personal or professional. How do your connections support your plans? What would like to do less? How could you make new connections that help you to take steps towards your goals?

Some things that I’ve been doing to connect since the Covid-19 virus emergency started, the list is endless:

  • Connecting with strangers… saying Hello and smiling at random people.
  • Phoning or messaging people that I haven’t spoken to in a while.
  • Organising or getting together a group of friends or family for an online party, quiz night or a chat.
  • Signing up to volunteer through my local council and the NHS. I said I could hlp with anything, but I also mentioned specific skills (eg. project management or fund-raising).  I’ve done a bit of shopping and have also been asked to support a local charity with fundraising.

I’m sure you could make a similar list; it’s been great to see how people have supported each other each other during the crisis.

Whatever you do, please take it easy. We are living in such difficult times; the most important thing is to do whatever feels right for you.

We can learn a lot from talking to and reading other people ideas. If you have any thoughts as you read this post, please share them in the comments on my Creative Spark Facebook or Instagram pages.

If you’ve made it this far. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my first blog. I hope that it was interesting and that there was something in there was useful to you.


If any of my blog has made you smile or think please feel free to share.

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